Scholarships for Transfer Students

The transfer scholarships reward your academic achievement from previous colleges.

Your eligibility for these scholarships is determined by looking at your previous college grade point average. All transfer students must have at least 24 college credits transferred to qualify for a scholarship.

The scholarship amounts listed below are for students enrolling in the 2020-21 school year.

Scholarship Amount GPA Requirements Min Renewal GPA
Transfer High Honors Scholarship $12,000 3.85+ 2.0
Transfer Honors Scholarship $10,000 3.50-3.84 2.0
Transfer Academic Excellence Scholarship $ 8,000 3.00-3.49 2.0
Transfer Academic Scholarship $ 6,000 2.50-2.99 2.0
Transfer Scholarship $ 4,000 2.00-2.49 2.0

Transfer students may also qualify for additional scholarships, such as Athletic Awards, Music Excellence & Acheivement Awards, Gorsline Academic Awards, Anglemyer Education Awards, or the Swallen Missionary Award.